Creativity-Online By Alexandra Jardine May 22, 2017

National Geographic marked Endangered Species Day last Friday with a Times Square billboard takeover that let people take a selfie with an animal as background and then see it on the big screens.
Members of the public were encouraged to look for National Geographic Photo Ark posters, snap a selfie with the endangered animal, and share via Instagram or Twitter using #SaveTogether. Participants’ images were instantly displayed on digital billboards.
The media space was donated by members of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) while the digital OOH activity was driven by OpenLoop, the real-time campaign management and distribution platform developed by ad tech specialist, QDOT. All the photos in the Photo Ark project were taken by photographer Joel Sartore.
Other U.S. cities running similar activations included Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. The campaign will now expand throughout the U.S. where Photo Ark animals will be featured on printed and digital billboards, bus shelters, airport dioramas, mall kiosks and other OOH formats.