Billboard Insider By Staff Writer January 6, 2017
The Detroit Free Press, Mliveand The Detroit News reported that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder vetoed legislation to permit billboards to be erected on school property along state managed roads. and increase the total number of billboards permitted in Michigan.

Insider posted in December about Senate Bill 953 passing the Michigan State Senate last October. A House version passed in December and Governor Rick Snyder would be looking at the bill for signature.
The bill, allows for billboards on public school property along state managed roadways and became possible from a 2003 Michigan Supreme Court decision that found public school districts are not subject to the local zoning codes of the communities in which they reside, and that school districts have land use authority over school properties.
Governor Snyder cited that the legislation conflicts with federal and state law and could put the states opportunity to receive federal highway finding in jeopardy.
Scenic Michigan, which led a campaign urging the governor to veto the bill, argued that school funding should be addressed through the budget process, not billboards.
Insider’s take: Not buying the governor’s reasoning. Have billboards on state fairgrounds in Indiana or Florida threatened highway funding either state? Have the digital signs which Chicago has permitted to be leased on city land resulted in a reduction in federal highway funds to Illinois? Expect to see more of these cases in the future as cash strapped municipalities look for revenue.