Screen Media Daily By Staff Writer March 8, 2017

Individuals can name a baby elephant for £5, or sign up for a £5-a-month year-long donation, which protects an elephant for one year. Corporate donors that have already signed up to the March include National Express, Givergy, Made by Riley, The Delta Group, Westfield, Chantecialle, BCD Travel and First Avenue.
It’s already that serious,” said Max Graham, CEO of Space for Giants. “Space for Giants has a proven toolkit of tactics to protect elephants, and March for Giants will allow us to put those methods to good use in many more places. It’s a huge boost to have elephants at the centre of this innovative, brilliant campaign, and it’s inspiring to see some of the world’s most recognizable companies and brands already signing up. They clearly see the urgency here.”
Starting from Space for Giants’ fundraising webpage, we have developed an online campaign hub that will stream to our media inventory, and reward engagement in real-time, whether sat at home, on your commute, or stood in front of one of our DOOH campaign spaces around the globe.”