Some students from the School of Journalism and Electronic Media are urging people to get out and vote in a big way.
Their messages are on billboards around the Knoxville area.
Rob Heller, a JEM professor in the College of Communication and Information, asked his media graphics students to design posters encouraging people to vote in the upcoming election.
“I asked them to create something nonpartisan and use only three words-one of which must be a version of the word ‘vote,’̍” Heller said. “They could use only type. No pictures. And it had to be black and white, with more than one additional color.”
Among the messages the students came up with: Veni (I came), Vidi (I saw), Voti (I voted); Use Your Vote; Did You Vote? (with a yes box checked); Decide, Vote, Elect; and Exercise Voting Rights.